최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

한국 내 몽골결혼이주여성의 다원주의적 인정투쟁

Mongolian Marriage Migrant Women s Pluralistic Struggle of Recognition in Korea

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This essay is a study to analyze Mongolian marriage migrant women s struggle of recognition in Korea and then to suggest a new policy of Korean multiculturalism that they can attain a pluralistic citizenship. Various multicultural policies are being carried out by Korean government to solve the marriage migrant women s problem. However the policies are hard to overcome the language barrier and the different ways of life because there are deficiency in experience and understanding of multiculturalism or pluralism. The differences of language, culture, nationality, status, and sex are an obstacle to their living as an equal citizen with other Korean people. The fact that the marriage migrant women are living in the plural condition in Korea cannot be sufficient condition for them to live as a reasonable pluralistic citizen. In this regard, the end that the Korean pluralistic situation should seek is to make them be a pluralistic citizen as Appiah suggests a concept of cosmopolitanism. Further, the marriage migrant women need to fully practice the struggle of recognition to get the state of pluralistic citizenship in Korea. The process of the struggle demands multicultural specialists in various fields of Korean society. Specifically speaking, multiculural education specialists, multilingual interpreters, psychological counselors, domestic relations lawyers, and school teachers should be produced to understand and serve the marriage migrant women s affairs, who can be a sound pluralistic citizen in Korea only if the conditions are fulfilled.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 연구방법론

Ⅲ. 다원주의적 사실로서 몽골이주여성

Ⅳ. 다원주의적 시민으로서 몽골이주여성

Ⅴ. 몽골이주여성의 인정투쟁

Ⅵ. 결론
