최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

몽골인의 전통적 효경사상과 효 문화 연구

A study on the traditional filial piety philosophy and piety cultures of Mongolian

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Having adapted to the geographical condition and four seasons, Mongolian developed a nomadic tradition and moved following the nature’s law. Nomadism is considerably invaluable in protection of Mongolian traditional nomadic culture and lifestyle. This custom is transmitted from generation to generation in home life. Therefore, this article divides traditional filial piety into three categories: Mongolian home education method, Mongolian piety and respect towards their parents, Mongolian piety and respect in wedding ceremony. In the first part discussing Mongolian home education method, I examined how Mongolian children are brought up, and how they are educated at home. Then, I compared the present education to how classic literature and documents describe, focusing on the devotion and respect towards the parents. The essence of Mongolian education is that parents take care of their children, and the children become respectful to their parents. Taking over the tradition is even more important in that this is vital today as well. In the second part of this research discussing Mongolian respect and devotion towards parents, I classified the subject into three parts: the history and the aspect of Mongolian traditional filial duty towards parents, and ways to encourage this traditional duty. Among many Mongolian traditions, honorific forms of speech and the following respects between family members still exist. The Mongolian government is therefore bringing the traditions up with by regulating related laws. The traditions are shown in the wedding ceremony as well. Considering this, the third part of the study about the etiquettes of respecting parents in the wedding ceremony is classified into mutual respect between the parents and children, groom’s manner to respect his wife’s parents, and bride’s manner to respect his. I compared these etiquettes to how classic literature and documents describe as well. In Mongolia, wedding is a matter of congratulation which the new family composed by bride and groom continue to carry on the occupation and the lifestyle of their ancestors. In this joyful occasion, both families and the relatives have a quality time to harden their strong relationship by giving well-wish remarks, valuable lessons they learned, and valuable presents. The bride and groom are imposed of the duty to respect each other’s elders and at the same time obtain right to be loved from the elders and to live following their lessons. The positive thinking that the bride and groom could have happiness, laughs and pleasure in life through this process is reflected on the tradition. Synthetically speaking, Mongolian culture, lifestyle, and customs are derived from the nomadic life that is harmonious with nature. Especially the filial piety is based on the role-modeling and mutual respects. This tradition is still important today, and government is recently trying to raise this tradition with regulations. Thanks to the active international cooperation between Mongolia and Korea taking place in both governmental and nongovernmental way, there are more and more people from both countries that learn the languages and cultures. Moreover, the number of international marriages between the countries increase and people from both countries are getting closer. However, there are also problems that could devaluate this positive image between the countries. In that sense this research does have significance in that it could offer proper understanding on Mongolian traditional filial piety not only to Korean, Mongolian, and the international family, but also people who learn Mongolian language and culture, and who are interested in Mongolian culture and custom.

Ⅰ. 들어 가기

Ⅱ. 몽골인의 자녀 보육 방식

Ⅲ. 몽골 가족의 전통적 효경사상

Ⅳ. 몽골 혼례식 때의 부모 공경의 예절

Ⅴ. 나오기
