최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Монгол шүлгийн дунд холбоцын зарим онцлог


The Mongols have enormous rich tradition and heritage of intellectual culture. The intellectual cultural value is originated from the ancient times. The heritage of intellectual culture of any people is connected with culture and tradition of other countries that developed in relation with economy, historic way, territory and communication carried out by that country. The basis of intellectual culture of any nation is specific because it is inherited in national poems with its sophistificated structure, concept and common variants. Poems also reflects in complexity their on national thinking, essence of nomadic civilization of the Mongols. This time having considered some features of middle rhyme of Mongolian verses the following is concluded. Anaphora is the essence of rhyme of Mongolian verses. From the point of melody, rhythm, amphibrach and content, rhymes perform as a resource of anaphora. How about middle rhymes it keeps the general content of the verse as well as determines the total size of coupled staves and performs a role of rhyme that connects from anaphora to rhyme. The fact that the rhymes play a vital role in the structure of Mongolian poems is connected with the reflection of different kinds of models, imaginations, realizations. The stave, the main unit of Mongolian poems consists of 2 melodies. According to the concept of the Mongols the double melody, that became a resource of everything and keeps the sense of their existence and expressing the further continuation, is not disrupted and connected with anaphora, middle rhyme and rhyme that are become resource to each other and expresses one complex idea. This shows that middle rhyme of Mongolian lyrics like anaphora and rhyme play a vital role in the creation of specific structure of Mongolian poems. On this reason middle rhyme like anaphora and rhyme is inherited equally in ancient and modern written poems If the anaphora and rhyme in Mongolian lyrics exist only one in amount middle rhyme has a possibility to exist more than one as it connects general size of the poem, and keeps the main content of the poem. All this shows that is specific creature that plays several roles such as to determine the melody and rhythm, to keep melodic property, to show the multi sides of Mongolian thinking. Mongolian poems create perfect structure provided that the anaphora, middle rhyme and rhyme are equal.


I. Монгол шүлгийн дунд холбоцын тухай. Түүнийг судласан нь.

II. Монгол шүлгийн дунд холбоцын зарим онцлог


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