최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

몽골족 작가 郭雪波 소설의 生態 의식 연구

A Study of Mongolian novelist Guo-Xuebo s ecological consciousness-Focusing on the wolves images

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The ecological system is on the verge of collapse. We could say the immediate cause is industrialization, but through an in-depth analysis, we find that degradation of character is the fundamental cause. Thus, it is most important that we recover and build an upright character to overcome ecological crisis. That is to say, environmental crises have to be solved not only through technological efforts to protect the environment, but also as a mental project, the literary and philosophy thesis. The ecological literature is a literature of enlightenment which demands for self reflection and a self-awakening of human beings, the main agents of environmental destruction. Therefore many ecological literary works describe situations in which nature is destroyed as a result of human greed. This is done through differing viewpoints and is reflective of the respective living environments of each author. Most of the works of Mongolian author Guo-Xuebo describe the Kerqin desert, the author s birthplace. There are strong overtones of regret with regards to the destruction of nature and powerful messages urging human beings to repent. Detailed descriptions of the barren desert, the desert animals, including wolves, and the realistic depiction of the conflict and struggles of human beings are the main methods used to express Guo-Xuebo s ecological consciousness. Guo-Xuebo s wolves are not subordinate, but are independent beings with equal status to humans. They are never frustrated by human civilization, but resist against the injustice of human beings. They are fighters for an oppressed class and enact the idea of all creatures being equal. Guo-Xuebo tries to accuse human beings of destroying nature through images of innocent wolves sacrificed due to human vice. He insists on humanism in the true sense, jumping over the boundary of anthropocentricism in the narrow sense, through an advocacy of Shamanism and Lamaism. Guo-Xuebo thinks that Shamanism and Lamaism are the moral and ethical barricades which are able to protect the ecological balance of the Mongolian grasslands. He also thinks that Shamanism and Lamaism are the guiding principles of Mongolians lives, forming important bases of world religion and ideology and ultimately constituting world cultural pluralism. The survival and prosperity of these principles are essential prerequisites for the Mongolian grassland s survival. The ecological literature is a study of human beings. It gives us utilitarian illumination that protecting the ecological system may guarantee the ultimate profit-survival of human beings. Besides, because it also contains the will of Person Fostering which means using inner check to restrain the law of thing and to strengthen the law of man . Moreover, this literature also contains principals of personal growth, which means using inner guidance to restain materialistic motivation and strengthen the moral laws of humankind.

1. 들어가는 말

2. 메마른 사막, 그 풍요로운 창작의 오아시스

3. 인류중심주의에 대한 반대와 부정

3.1.추악한 인성 비판

3.2.강인하고 의로운 늑대의 형상

4. 중생평등(衆生平等) ― 화해와 용서

5. 맺음말
