Since family is historically formed substance and institution, it cannot be changed easily. However, there have been some visible signs of changes of family since the last half of the 20th century. These changes of family was, on one hand, caused by post-modern shift of social structure; but on the other hand, it was motivated by women s self-awareness and activism. In other words, accusation of discrimination against women and longing for changes on the patriarchical social structure brought the family disorganization. Many Korean and Mongolian contemporary novels take feminist perspective or reflect the irony of patriarchy. Box of My Wife by Eun Heegyeong and The Sun Does Not Set Yet by Robsangchereng is the texts visualizing wives who is heroines being objectified in the patriarchical families. Through comparing the two texts, this paper tries to search for the meaning for family disorganization appearing Korean and Mongolian contemporary novels. By comparing the two texts, this paper surveys the meaning of family disorganization in contemporary novels in the two countries. While the heroine of Box of My Wife frees herself from patriarchal family through muring herself up, the heroine of The Sun Does Not Set Yet attempts to change her husband and family through her active practice. This difference comes from cultural differences and from the discord of ideological practices. Nonetheless, a woman under patriarchal system either in Korea or in Mongolia cannot be anyone but the other, and in such situation she always lives within the possibility of overturn.
Ⅰ. 서언
Ⅱ. 가족의 탄생 혹은 불행의 시작
Ⅲ. 가족의 해체 혹은 주체의 복원
Ⅳ. 결어