최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

중국정부의 역사발전 관점에 따른 몽골민족 정책

Research on the Mongol Minority Policy of the Chinese Government in the perspective of the historical development: Focused on the Chinese Minority Policy toward Inner Mongolia in the Deng Xiaoping era

  • 18

It is the purpose of this research to examine the minority policy toward Inner Mongolian Autonomy Resion(IMAR) of the Beijing during the Deng Xiaoping era. The analysis is concentrated on the conflict abd compromise between Beijing and IMAR under the chinese Open Policy. The minority policy of the Mao Zedong was characterized ideological integrations, but Deng Xiaoping was always emphasized economic development policy. Mainly Mao enforced minority self-determination’s policy, Deng brought highly autonomous policy. In the case of IMAR, conflict between Beijing and Inner Mongolian was often happened in the Mao era, but compromise in the field of economic development was noted in the Deng period. Normally Deng’s Open Policy and economic development was positively evaluated. Was it real?? In this research, therefore, it is find out the legacu of the Beijing ‘s minority policy and the ultimate policy toward IMAR. Tha fact is that Brijing implemented two ways policy to the IMAR. First of all, Beijing has been forced agricultural policy to the nomadic Mongolian. Than means Inner Mongolian will lost their cultural identity. Secondly Beijing pressed “多元一體” policy, which make the Inner Mongolian and other chinese minority a part of an China in the various field. This research, eventually read between the lines of the chinese policy to the IMAR in the Deng’s era.

Ⅰ. 들어가며

1. 연구 목적과 접근 방법

2. 연구 범위와 선행 연구

3. 참고자료와 표기법 등

Ⅱ. 떵샤오핑의 소수민족론

1. 1953년 소수민족 선거 규정

2. 다민족 국가 안에서의 소수민족

Ⅲ. 중국 중앙의 개혁 개방과 내몽골자치구

Ⅳ. 북방사(北方史)와 내몽골자치구

Ⅴ. 나오며
