최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

몽골의 게르(Ger)에 나타난 북방문화원형 디자인 연구

A Design Study in the Original Cultural Form of Northern Nomadic People in Mongolian Ger

  • 8

Mongolian Ger is unique form of housing that Eurasia -Altaic language family created and developed. Mongolian Ger is considered as the most environmentally friendly home in the history of humanity. In this paper, we saw the Mongolian Ger, the relationship between the reflection of the northern cultural circle design and ancient cultures by historical and philosophical trace. This also tried the creation of a modern design application of Mongolian Ger. As a result, Mongolian Ger was the buildings that reflect northern cultural circle. It was made in foundation of a circular structure in a series combination of many triangles. In addition, it was architecture that reflected the movement and survival philosophy of the northern nomadic tribes. And historically, we found that they are a lot to do with our nation.


1. 몽골 게르의 역사적 고찰

2. 몽골 게르의 구조와 디자인 철학

3. 한국 고대문화와 몽골 게르

맺는 말
