The presentation is about how Mongolian traditional folk song and other cultural heritages had been treated during the period when Mongolia was under the totalitarian regime governed by the communist party. Starting from the 30s of 20th century the communist party of Mongolia and some critics educated by the communist ideology had started to call folk song as feudalist brutal song and pokstrol, tango songs are capitalist s one. The wrong idea that Mongolian long song is also the remaining of the feudalism spread all over the country. 45 beautiful folk songs from 58 recorded on the gramophone was banned for praising the feudalist society and considered as anti new communist ideology. They were banned to be listened in the public places and gramophone records were destroyed. Below is the list of the banned songs. “Uwgun shuvuu”, “Er bor hartsaga”, ‘Dumun”, Uyahan zamba tiviin nar”, “Herlengiin bariya”, “Ar huwch”, “Tumen eh”, “Bayanmongol”, “Ulemjiin chanar”, “Um zandan shiree”, “Sunjidmaa”, “Sanduutai mod”, “Argagui amrag”, “Yanjuur tamhi”, “Toroi bandi”, “Tsonhon deer suusan yalaa” - “Wanlii”, “Duwchin Unzad”, “Ochirdari”, “Naigal gol”, “Erdennii Galbarvasun mod” etc folk songs were banned for praising the feudalism during the totalitarian regime ruled by communist party. - The contents of the old time beautiful folk songs considered as anti communist ideology. Many songs were banned for praising Chinghis Khaan. It is also mentioned the facts how the folk song lyrics were changed matching the communist ideology. During the period of the Cold War when the relation between Mongolia and China were unpleasant the songs like “Vanlii”, Gaadaa meeren”, “Beijing hot”, “Jiijuu hot”, “Looloi”, “Naahuu” were banned or the lyrics were changed for using some Chinese origin words. It is also shows some examples how people who don t know the lyrics of folk song published them wrong on the books and newspapers recently. The presentation shows the history how Mongolian folk song was victimized and it raises some questions how to teach people to song it and publish the lyrics right.
Ⅰ. Оршил
Ⅱ. Тоталитар дэглэмийн үед ардын дуундаа хандаж байсан үнэлэмж
1. “Хувьсгалын эсэргүү этгээд”-үүдийн хөгжимдсөн, дуулсан дууг устгасан нь
2. “Феодалын ёст байдлыг сайшаасан” дууг хориглон, хураасан нь
3. “Үзэл суртал” гэгчдээ нийцүүлэн засаж зэрэмдэглэсэн нь
4. Ардынхаа дууг дуулах, сонсохыг хааж хорьж байсан нь
5. Хэвлэн, нийтлэгчдийн алдаа
Ⅲ. Дүгнэлт