최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

현대 튀르크계 언어들에서 샤먼 관련 어휘

Words Related to Shaman in the Modern Turkic Languages

  • 9

The Turkic languages and dialects are spoken by some 150 to 200 million people across a vast area from Pacific to the Baltic Sea, and from the Arctic Ocean to the Persian Gulf. They are Azerbaijani, Bashkir, Chuvash, Karaim, Karakalpak, Kazakh, Kyrgyz/Kirghiz, Modern Uyghur, Salar, Tatar, Turkish, Turkmen, Tuvan, Uzbek, Yakut, etc. The word referring to all these languages is Turkic, whereas the word Turkish is used for the Turkic language of Turkey. The Turkic languages are considered to be part of the proposed Altaic language family together with the Mongolic languages, the Manchu-Tungus languages, and/or the Korean language. If that is the case, it would be useful to use the Turkic material when studying the ancient history of the Koreans. However, the Turkic material is not well-known in Korea. Shamanism is a term for a range of beliefs and practices relating to communication with the spiritual world. The shamans are believed to be intermediaries or messengers between the human world and the spirit world. There is a view that Dangun(檀君), the legendary founding father of the first Korean state of Gojoseon(古朝鮮), was a shaman. It is obvious that shamanism is one of the main religious believes of the Korean people since ancient times. In the present paper we will treat the words related to shaman in the modern Turkic languages. We limit the words to ‘shaman’, ‘sorcerer, magician’, ‘healer’, and ‘fortune-teller, soothsayer’. The words are obtained mainly from the various dictionaries of the modern Turkic languages.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

1. 현대 튀르크계 언어들의 개관

2. 샤먼 및 샤머니즘

3. 연구 목적과 접근 방법

4. 연구 범위와 선행 연구

5. 표기법

Ⅱ. 샤먼 관련 어휘

1. ‘샤먼’을 뜻하는 어휘

2. ‘주술사, 마법사’를 뜻하는 어휘

3. ‘치료자’를 뜻하는 어휘

4. ‘점쟁이, 예언자’를 뜻하는 어휘

Ⅲ. 결론
