최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

몽골 오이라드 영웅서사시 전통과 연행의 특성

The characteristics of tradition and performance with reciting and chanting of the heroic epics in Oyirad of the western Mongolia

The heroic epics had been closely related to the overall life and possessed with the ritual character to the people of Mongolian Oyirad who had primarily made the hunting life mainly around the Altai mountains area. The characteristics of the tradition of heroic epics in Mongolian Oyirad are as follows: First, the hero of heroic epics had been represented as a ancestral deity to strengthen a variety of taboos and disciplines, and the heroic epics had been a little more advanced in terms of the religious belief than the entertainment. Second, the recital of the heroic epics used to be performed mainly at the time of winter nights, in those days of the last day of the year or New Year s Day, the beginning of the year etc, and it has been played for the purpose of driving the devils out with praying that there would be no calamity for one year. This kind of rituals for removing disasters and inviting good fortunes has been performed as one of folk beliefs, with which people used to believe in the transcendent force of the hero of the heroic epics who could take disciplinary actions to the evils of the world and bring peace to whole people around the world. Third, the musical performer for heroic epics in Oyirad, particularly in Uriyanghai tribe of Oyirad, has had a tradition that he must chant the Altain magtaal before the performance of heroic epics for the purpose of gratifying and appeasing the Altai mountains God. Before they go hunting, they have praised the Altai so as to seek the blessing of prey and it shows the original notion for language worship, ancestor worship, the eco-friendly life that they have tried to commune with the natural objects or the nature of the spirit through language and melody when chanting the heroic epics of Oyirad and the Altain magtaal. Fourth, the heroic epics, which used to be chanted by professional performer named as tuulʹch who has a born flair, is played with an instrument called as tovshuur and the contents of it is delivered through a melody, The tovshuur used to be not only important means which multiplies the mystical and bizarre powers of heroic epics and leads the performance with chant and song by the musical performer of heroic epics, but also the object of faith. The performance with reciting and chanting of heroic epics in Oyirad has made a profound impact on the spiritual culture of Mongolian people, which has combined hunting life of the forest residents, faith to the mountain God, faith in everyday living and artistic inspiration with the characteristics of ancestral ritual.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 몽골 오이라드 영웅서사시의 생성과 발전

Ⅲ. 오이라드 영웅서사시의 연행 의례

Ⅳ. 알타이 마그탈

Ⅴ. 톱쇼르 신앙

Ⅵ. 맺음말
