It is the purpose of this research to analyze the process and characteristics of the Letter Reform, which were enforced in the 1940 and the 1994, in the modern Mongolia. In the 1940, mongolian communist government decided the letter reform from Uighur Mongolian into the Cyrillic Mongolian. The political purposes of this Reform which was characterized the propaganda of the communism, was main contents. But this reform was contributed to the modernization of mongolian education and increasing of the literacy. After Reform & Open Policy of Mongolia in 1990, returning to the Uighur-Mongolian Letter was a hot issue in the mongolian character policies. This was a kind of mongolian nationalism and also the way of finding of mongolian identity. But the Uighur-Mongolian Character could not rapidly be utilized. In 1994, although mongolian government decided to use boardly Uighur letters, but mongol society couldn’t accept so rapid change. Finally the Mongols combined use cyrillic & uighur letter. The letter reform of the Mongolia in 1940 and 1994, was characterized political motive and social needs. Both reform was attributed political reason and purpose, but mongolian society want more convinient and modernized character. Therefore the letter reform of mongolia in modern times must be followed by social needs.
Ⅰ. 들어가며
Ⅱ. 몽골 문화에서의 문자의 의미
Ⅲ. 쵸이발산(Цойбалсан)의 권력 장악과 1940년 문자개혁
1. 정치적 배경
2. 문자정책 기초
3. 1940년 Cyrillic으로의 개혁
4. 현대 몽골역사에서 Cyrillic 몽골문의 의미
Ⅳ. 1990년 개혁 개혁개방과 문자 정책
1. 정치적 배경
2. 사회적 요구
3. 교육 시스템과 문자 정책
Ⅴ. 1994년 문자 개혁의 특징
1. 정치적 배경
2. 시행 내용과 특징
Ⅵ. 나오며