This is the treatise on the history and folklore of Altai-Uriyangkhai who live around Möngkekhayirkhan Mountain in west Mongolia. AltaiUriyangkhai is a descendant of ancient Uriyangkhai tribes lived in around Onan river located in eastern Mongolia. They are regarded to have lived around Onan river from A.D.8C to A.D.10C. While they live in Onan river, they were conquered by Kiyad clan of Mongol tribes. On the view point of cultural heritage, ancient Uriyangkhai tribes and ancient Koreans connected with Bulham(Burkhan) culture which was the original cultural form of northern nomadic people. So we study the history and folklore of ancient Uriyangkhai tribes. Altai-Uriyangkhai living in around Möngkekhayirkhan Mountain preserves ancient Uriyangkhai s hereditary custom well. Accordingly, If we study Altai-Uriyangkhai, they would provide us with reliable hereditary custom of ancient Uriyangkhai. This treatise is based on the research of Altai-Uriyangkhai around Möngkekhayirkhan Mountain in August 2009. Its content consists of “the Altai-Uriyangkhai s history” and “the present status of folklore study on Altai-Uriyangkhai lived in around Möngkekhayirkhan Mountain”.
Ⅰ. 머리말
1. 알타이-오리양하이족의 역사
(1) 고대의 오리양카이(Uriyangkhai)족
(2) 북원(北元) 시대의 오리양카이족
(3) 청나라 시대의 오리양카이족
(4) 청대 알타이-오리양카이 7기
(5) 현재의 알타이-오리양하이족과 그 상황
2. 멍흐하이르항산 주변 알타이-오리양하이족의 민속학적 연구현황
(1) 조사지 주변의 자연환경
(2) 주변 문화유적
(3) 기존의 민속학적 연구현황
Ⅱ. 맺는말