최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

몽골 불교음악 연구

The Study of Mongolian Buddhist Music

  • 10

The purpose of this study is to examine the current conditions of academic studies about Mongolian Buddhist music, the classification system of Mongolian Buddhist music and the different categories of Mongolian Buddhist vocal music. First, the history of academic studies about Mongolian Buddhist music comes from the end of 19th century, but there have been substantial results of those studies reported from 1990 s on. Far-reaching discussions on Mongolian Buddhist music have just come out in the 21st century, but it was found that there would be not yet any general studies attempted to investigate Mongolian Buddhist music. Secondly, it was found that there was not any further discussion about the classification system of Mongolian Buddhist music. Accordingly, this study adopted a local survey on domestic music of Mongol and examined existing papers and publications written by Mongolian musicologists in Mongol and China, so that it could classify Mongolian Buddhist music into the following three categories: Buddhist psalm, Buddhist aphoristic song and Buddhist epic song. Thirdly, according to examination into different categories of Mongolian Buddhist vocal music, it was found that Buddhist aphoristic song and Buddhist epic song - except for Buddhist psalm - are used in combination with Mongolian traditional music. Summing up, this study could achieve its goals, i.e. to identify current conditions of Mongolian Buddhist music and examine socio-musical phenomena of Mongolian Buddhist music in fusion with Mongolian traditional music.

I. 서론

II. 연구현황

III. 불교음악의 분류체계

IV. 불교성악곡의 종류

V. 결론
