최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

몽골 근대역사장편소설 연구

A Study on Modern Historical Novel of Mongolia: Focusing on the North Korea version Dawn in the Steppe of Üüriin Tuyaa by B. Rinchen

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North Korea and Mongolia established the diplomatic relations in October, 1948, prior to the Korean War. It was 42 years earlier than South Korea came to setting up the official diplomatic ties with Mongolia in March, 1990. Under the same socialism ideology, both North Korea and Mongolia have maintained a good cooperative relationship in the diplomatic, economic, and social aspects. The de facto exchanges started with Korean War as a momentum, however, the full scale diplomatic relations began in earnest in the mid 1950s after the truce. Cultural exchanges as well made briskly, for example, the translation works have been done among the socialist countries. In those works, most concentrated on Russian collections translation, however the many selected major works were also translated and published simultaneously, too. Meanwhile, among mongolian masterpieces which were translated and published in North Korea, Üüriin Tuyaa(Glow of the Dawn) received the most attention. This is the literary work by B. Rinchen who is the representative writer of the Mongolian modern literature and the first historical novel. The masterpiece Üüriin Tuyaa was purposely written to announce the Mongolian history to the people, in which 60 years modern times of Mongolia was described exquisitely. So to speak, it ranges from Qing dynasty s occupying period, end of 19th century through the independence in 1921, and up to 1940s. While writing, what B. Rinchen kept in his mind was not the literature of historic events but the literature as a manner of recording the history, though. He supposed that there was no their own story after Köke Sudar by the great Mongolian writer Injinaash, and this led him to create Üüriin Tuyaa. It is certain that there was a certain intention to enlighten the people of Mongolia with announcement of their history. From this we assume that the author, Rinchen took regard this work as a vivid history textbook . For that purpose, the method he chose was indirect experience through the representation , direct account from the characters and so on. In the meantime, once the novel was published with the translated title Dawn in the Steppe(초원의 려명 ) in North Korea, but there was not any translation attempted in South Korea up to now. Therefore I took the above translated Dawn in the Steppe as the main text for this study and in the process, I had the slight chance to find out the aspects of translation of North Korea in 1950s.

I. 몽골과 북한

II. 『우-링 토야-(Үүрийн Туяа: 새벽빛)』

1. 베. 린첸(Бямбын Ринчен)

2. 몽골 현대문학사의 새벽빛, 『우-링 토야(Үүрийн туяа)』

III. 우리(몽골) 역사를 인민들에게

1. 생생한 역사의 현장 속으로

2. 입에서 입으로, 인민들에게서 듣는 역사

3. 기타 장치들

IV. 북한번역본 『초원의 려명』

V. 결론을 대신하여
