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KCI등재 학술저널

HISTORY OF THE YUAN DYNASTY DEMCHIGDORJI’S (1863-1932) MONGOL TRANSLATION(1917-1928): Palace music twelve temperaments in chapters 70 and 71

元DANDAA DEMCHIGDORJI’S 文稿 (1863-1932) 的历史:蒙古译本(1917-1928):《元史》卷七十及七十一之宮廷十二律

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The aim of the presentation is to introduce the “Yuan shi (元史)” (Sutra manuscript of the Yuan dynasty). It is one of the most important sources of history for the study of the 13-14th centuries. This basic history is comprised of 210 juan (卷 volumes), five of which are dedicated to the discussion of art and culture, specifically musical heritage and custom. This research paper is a discussion of volumes 70 and 71. 本文主要的宗旨是介紹元朝的历史(元朝的Sutra manuscript)。这是研究十三至十四世纪史的其中一项重要的源头。元史由二百一十卷组成, 其中的五卷记载了有关艺术和文化方面的论述,特別是音乐的传承和习俗。本文着重于卷七十及七十一的研究。The “History of the Yuan” is divided into four parts. 1.“Benji” (本纪ug temdeglel,) is the basic annals of 47 chapters; 2. “Zhi” (oillogo,志) records, 58 chapters; 3. “Biao” (iltgel, 表) genealogical tables, 8 chapters; 4. “Lie zhuan” (olon shastir, 列传) biographies, 97 chapters. The second part called “Zhi” consists of (omitted “the“) many records such as “li yue” (礼 乐) ceremony and music. The second section contains the following five topics related to palace music which serve as the focus of this paper: 1) clothing, 2) dance, 3) wedding music commemorative box ( book)- musical instruments, 4) musical sounds and 5) drama. 《元史》可以分成四个部份。第一部份是以编年的方式来叙述历代君主政迹的《本纪》, 共有47卷; 第二部份是记述典章制度的《志》, 共58卷; 第三部份是记载历代宗室族谱之《表》, 共8卷; 第四部份则是记载后妃功臣事迹的《列传》, 共97卷。其中, 第二部份的《志》记录了许多篇幅的札记, 例如《礼乐》便是当中的一则。本论文将会着重探讨《礼乐》之后半段与宫廷音乐有关的五个课题, 即: 一、乐服, 二、乐舞, 三、宴乐之器, 四、乐音, 五、杂剧。The History of the Yuan was originally written in ancient Chinese. “In the first year of Hong Wu (洪武), emperor Zhu Yuan Zhang (朱元璋), the founder of the Ming (明) dynasty, issued an edict calling for the compilation of the “Yuan shi”. In the second year of Hong Wu the bureau for composing the “Yuan shi” was opened and a group of 16 historians started to compose it.” (Atwood, 2003, 3). Only two handwritten copies of this 210-volume “History of the Yuan” are in existence in the Mongolian National Library. Therefore they are not available either for researchers or the general public to read. Even though modern Mongolians can now read the ancient language, the terms, usage and theory are obscure. An additional problem for language and music researchers is lack of familiarity with ancient music terminology. 明朝初年(即洪武元年), 朱元璋即位后,便下诏编修《元史》。洪武二年(1369)正式开局编写,由一组十六人的史学家参与纂修工作。全书以古汉语写成。现今存放在外蒙古国家图书館內的兩份手抄本, 是《元史》二百一十卷中, 唯一硕存的资料。因此他們不允许研究人员或公众人士借阅。尽管现代的蒙古人巳经能夠阅读古代的语言文字, 然而对许多的术语、使用方法和乐理仍然感到难于理解; 而最让那些研究语言和音乐的学者感到棘手的问题, 莫过于是对古代音乐术语的缺乏认知(精通)。Twelve temperaments of the musical sounds in the volume 71卷七十一之十二律Records of “the Yuan shi” shows that 12 temperaments of the musical sounds were used in the ceremonies, and listed a poetical name for each tone and note. “Two musical arrangers produced musical selections

I. Introduction

1. Clothing for musicians:

2. Dance

3. The ceremonial music detail “commemorative wedding music book”:

4. Twelve temperaments of the musical sounds

5. Drama

II. Conclusion

