최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

몽골 청동기시대 장식용품에 나타난 문양디자인 고찰

A design study of ornamental articles in the Bronze Age of Mongolia: Especially concentrated on cognition of time and space in flying deer stone

Karasuk Culture of the flying deer stone patterns is the finest works of art in itself. besides, it is the idea of the ancient northern people (natural law recognition system), which represents the first formal expression of hierarchy. This paper overviews how it reflects the northern original cultural form design with the historical and philosophical track of deer patterns of the flying deer stone and in the process, it overviews the relationship with our ancient culture. It attempts to create the modern design and application of the flying deer stone through it. As a result, deer stones Karasuk Culture patterns of the Karasuk Culture is the language and philosophy appeared to be a work of art, with the nature of the legal recognition of time and space system design that are logically represented. In particular, it has also revealed that flying deer stone has the role of the time traveler going to the world beyond from the ground. In addition, flying deer stone is historically highly likely to be relevant to the constellation of Cassiopeia of Goguryeo.

I. 머리말

1. 유라시아-알타이 지방의 자연환경변화와 고대문화

(1) 유라시아-알타이 지방의 자연환경 변화고찰

(2) 유라시아-알타이 지역의 고대문화

2. 카라수크 문화와 사슴돌

(1) 사슴돌의 종류와 특색

(2) 바얀차강의 사슴돌

3. 시간의 여행자 - 사슴돌의 스토리텔링과 문양디자인

(1) 초월적 불멸의 세계를 꿈꾸었던 민족

(2) 스토리텔링과 문양디자인의 결합을 통한 상품화방안

II. 맺는 말

