최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

유목문화와 말(馬)

Nomadic Culture and a Horse: Focused on the Figures of the Horse Described in the “Clean Tamir River”

  • 21

This article examines the related aspects between Mongolian nomadic culture and horses through analyses of horse figures appearing in Chardabal Rodoidamba’s Clean Tamir River. This novel-text configurated its contemporary reality though models created by partisan perspective. Thus the contemporary Mongolian lives were concretely described. The most people at the time were nomadic people and were surviving their daily lives under feudal semi-colonial circumstances. In their nomadic lives horses were the most important domestic animals. Horses were not merely domestic animals but motivation sustaining and developing the nomads. For the reason, throughout their course to a completely independent country horses took important roles. Such images of horses are configurated well in this novel-text. In this novel-text, horses are described as transportation, fundamental for nomadic life, courser-worship, military force, and metaphorical media. Such configurations are revealed in the process reflecting Mongoloans’ lives of the time. However, configuration of horses are not foregrounded in the novel-text. It is because horses are so familiar that they are used for metaphorical media.

1. 서언

2. 몽골 유목민과 말

3. 『맑은 타미르강』 속의 말(馬)

4. 결어
