최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

21세기 한·몽 사회문화 교류의 활성화 방안과 전망

Prospects on Vitalizing Korean-Mongolian Sociocultural Communication in the 21st Century

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This article discusses several aspects as well as suggestions on social and cultural communication between in the 21st century Korea and Mongolia. Since 1990, when Korea and Mongolia established formal diplomatic relationship, the two countries have been closely linked together and they both cooperated well. However, although economic and political cooperations have been enormously improving, social and cultural communication and cooperation are still relatively slow and limited. Therefore, I try to suggest some ideas and prospects on social and cultural development between Korea and Mongolia in the 21st century. Firstly, historical documents on the political relationship between China and Mongolia during mid and late 20century is a good case to reflect the relationship between Korea and Mongolia today. For example, the two countries overcame the gloomy past, such as Ming dynasty towards Mongolia as well as Ching occupation of Mongolia, during this period with various economic assistance and political and social cooperations. Secondly, Korea and Mongolia need to extend the social and cultural communication further and internationally. In this aspect, the most effective and urgent sphere is that of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Both Korea and Mongolia are very active in collecting and preserving their cultural heritage and as a result many heritages are officially listed by UNESCO. Korea run UNESCO licensed Intangible Cultural Heritage Center for Asia and the Pacific with theoretical experience and practical techniques. Also Mongolia has plenty of intangible cultural heritage across the country and currently makes effort to preserve these unique and rich heritages. Hence. in dealing with intangible cultural heritage, the two countries are closely linked as ever before. Thirdly, in the promising issue of sociocultural relationship between Korea and Mongolia today North Korea has to be included. Mongolia is the ideal place and partner to cope with this matter. On the one hand, Mongolia can provide her experience of both socialist and post-socialist society in terms of sociocultural changes and transitions. On the other hand, Korea and Mongolia can jointly assist and provide knowledge and practical skills of intangible cultural heritage to North Korea. Hence, North Korea can also be involved in preserving World Intangible Cultural Heritage together.

1. 머리말

2. 몽골과 중국의 관계복원 사례를 통한 교훈

3. 한국과 몽골의 사회문화적 토대와 문화교류의 필요성

4. 사회문화 분야의 한·몽 협력방안

5. 맺음말
