This study considered the existing comparative-mythology discussions, which were made at home, and analyzed generally by extracting main issues of a research, focusing on <Geser Khan> in Mongolia, which is huge heroic epic of covering the Altaic cultural cluster, and <Dangun Myth>, which is representative foundation myth in the Korean race. Especially, it examined the research performance of Korea-Mongolia comparative mythology and considered generally on main issues targeting domestically prior researches on Korea’s <Dangun Myth> and Mongolia’s <Geser Myth>. It examined prior researches up to now in relation to comparison of Korea-Mongolia myths and presented the research themes enough to become issues inside it as a problem of reconstituting key concept, which becomes the basis of analyzing myth, a problem of analyzing mytheme and extracting common mytheme, and a problem of forming local cultural theory based on myths in both areas. As a name of hero as the progenitor, which is raised in topic of myth such as ‘Dangun’ and ‘Geser Khan,’ is key word of analyzing myth, there are many cases unexpectedly of being hidden in a veil. Thus, a research of reconstructing this was emphasized. Necessity of interdisciplinary research on myth was realized keenly through the process of analyzing ‘Dangun’ and ‘Geser Khan.’ A conquest of a research on individual myth was confirmed as well through comparative research of each myth. As a comparative research of Korea-Mongolia myths comes to newly form the peculiar sphere of Northeast Asian Mythology, which is discriminated from myths of focusing on the West, it will come to contribute to diversity of myths in the world. The era of glocalism in the 21st century will come to claim to stand for the period of mythology, which continuously communicates with inter-discipline, genre, region, and time like attributes of opening and convergence, which are possessed by myth in Northern Nomadic people. Accordingly, there will be a need of exploring the right identity of individual myth by coming up with Northeast Asian Mythology and Altaic mythology, and also of seeking the identity of Northeast Asia’s cultural cluster, which shares mytheme and mythological archetype in common.
1. 머리말
2. 연구경향
3. 연구쟁점
4. 맺음말