This paper reviews the current state of industry and industrial structure in Mongolia and features of resource based economy and Mongolia s industrial policy, and gives some evaluation and prospects about industrial policy. Mongolia has established the mid and long-term National Development Strategy: 2007~2021 in 2006, which contains the vision, strategy, and policies about national development and industrial policy. Basically, Mongolia is characterized as a resource based economy, and pursues an investment based economy in the mid-term and finally a knowledge based economy in the future. The major industries in Mongolia are mining industry, agriculture and livestock framing, and tourism. The industrial policy in Mongolia should be carefully implemented to avoid resource curse or Dutch disease, so that the mining sector can play its role as the engine of national development. It is desirable to select the strategic industries such as metal and chemical industry, transportation facilities, and machinery, which have a strong correlation with resource industry in Mongolia. Because the industrial policy in a country is very complex and multi-leveled, Mongolia needs to refer other countries experience of failure and success.
1. 서론
2. 몽골의 산업구조
3. 자원기반경제의 특성과 산업정책
4. 몽골 산업정책의 평가
5. 결론과 제언