최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

금나라의 북방방어선과 타타르부

The Tatar and line of defense of the Jin Dynasty

The Jin Dynasty(1115–1234) was created by the Jurchen tribal chieftain Wanyan Akhuta(完顏阿骨打) in 1115, in where would become northern Manchuria. From the early 13th century, the Jin Dynasty began to feel the pressure of Mongols from the north. Thus they constructed frontier defense line as total 5500㎞ meters long in north-east and south-west district of territory. The frontier defense line which is the symbol of the Jin Dynasty s northern policy. The borderline wall (邊墻) defense line has great length as 5, 500km. The defense line widely consists of steppe defense line (嶺北線) which was constructed from the west to the east of Kölen-Buyir region, and north (北線) and south defense line (南線), which was started from Morin Dawa Dagur Autonomous Banner (自治旗) in the east of Shinanling and reaches to Dachingshan (大靑山) in Wuchuan sien (武川縣). However, there has been not reported notable researches about northern policy of the Jin Dynasty which had the great defense line. This article inquires that the Jin Dynasty s interception into Mongolian Plat was accomplished through the mediation by the Tatar. Moreover, it is also studied in this article that the collapse of the Tatar - Chagan Tatar, Alchi Tatar, Duta ud Tatar, Alukhai Tatar, and Küyin Tatar - was led to that of nothern policy of the Jin Dynasty. The chance which triggered the collapse is viewed as the attack for Khusutu Shitüyen and Naratu Shitüyen in 1197, made by Ongkhan and Chinggis Khan.

1. 머리말

2. 금나라의 변장방어선과 주인-이르겐(Jü-yin irgen)

3. 타타르부의 기원과 각 씨족의 유목지 고찰

4. 타타르부의 반란과 변장방어선의 붕괴

5. 맺는 말
