최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

선사 미술을 통해 본 몽골의 고대 문화

Ancient Mongolian culture through prehistoric arts

  • 46

This article delves into the world of ancient culture that flourished in the Mongolia by studying its prehistoric art. As of today, the Paleolithic arts such as Khoit Chenker cave painting and Ishgin Tolgoi, Baga-Oigor, Chagaan-Salaa Pertroglyps can be found in Mongolia. Along with the above-mentioned paintings, the various types of formative arts were continuously created throughout the Mesolithic period, Neolithic, Bronze age, Iron age, Huns, and Turkish era. Thus, this article analyses the main materials and forms of the prehistoric arts that are distributed in the Mongolia, categorizes them into different periods, and finds the main issues, modes, and styles of each period. Throughout such an effort, the article shed light on the cultures, ideas of main characters, social situations, processes of civilization, and the modeling methods that blossomed and vanished in the ancient Mongolia.

1. 머리말

2. 무문자 시대의 몽골 지역과 그 조형예술

3. 조형 언어로 기록된 연대기

4. 시대의 모드와 조형양식

5. 맺음말
