최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

몽골 할흐 전통문양의 스토리텔링디자인 연구

A Storytelling Design Study of Khalkha Mongol s Traditional Pattern Designs: Focusing on Saraljin Pattern Design

  • 24

Saraljin Pattern is the most typical pattern of Khalkha Mongol that appears much in Eurasian Altai people. Saraljin Pattern is also known as khanan Pattern, because it is like a wall decoration pattern of Mongolian Ger. In this paper, Saraljin Pattern includes philosophy of birth and death of Eurasian genus-Altai. This can be determined through a meaning of the grid pattern and a case study. in other word, Saraljin Pattern has the most religious color that is directly linked to death or negative removal in Eurasia - Altai culture. In addition, the philosophy of Saraljin Pattern is proven in Korea s traditional door decoration and also in the structure of Goguryeo tomb murals. khasilg-a chilagu represents the Saraljin Pattern in historical artifact of Eurasia-the Altai people. this paper implicated the system of storytelling of Saraljin Pattern with khasilg-a chilagu and Bird-Man painted on Lascaux cave. This paper emphasized that it is important to interpret through consilience of disciplines like humanities, psychology and psychoanalysis, when approaching the traditional pattern of historical heritage.


II. 격자문양의 의미와 사례분석

III. 격자문양과 스토리텔링

IV.맺는 말
