최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

야쿠트어의 가축 관련 어휘 小考

A study on Yakut vocabulary of livestock: on focus of Mongolian Loanwords

  • 5

Yakut or Sakha is a member of the Northern group of the Turkic languages. The latter also includes Shor, Tuvan. There is around 360,000 native Sakha or Yakuts speakers in the Sakha Republic in the Russian Federation. The differences between Yakut language and the other Turkic languages are so considerably in all aspect of grammar, phonetically, morphologicaly. The Yakut vocabulary is unique, because ca. 40% of the words are not known it’s origin. But it is well known from beginning of studies of turkology that there is many strange elements on Yakut language, most of them is notably Mongolian language. The aim of this paper is twofolds. Firstly, to analyze Mongolian loanwords related to livestock adopted by Yakut language. Secondly, to compare with Mongolian languages in synchronic and diachronic approaches. The paper finished by providing following results. Vocabulary of livestock. Mongolian borrowings on Yakut language occupy mostly in the category of horses: equine coat colors, names of parts of bridle. Another ones are names of reindeer and cattle and product of dairy. Linguistic characterics are also found like following examples: - &#228;sk&#228;l(< Mo. esgel) does not occur in the dictionaries of modern mongolian languages. - Forms tatalγa and s&#228;t&#228;lg&#228; are curiously: the Yakut verbal stemms are connected to Mongolian suffix &#8211;lGA-. - The Mongolian vowel i, that appears in ‘back-vowel word’ is changed to y in Yakut: syrbai- < Mo. &#353;irbasymd&#257;hyn < Mo. sindasu χa&#269;yr < Mo. qa&#269;ar~qa&#269;ir - The Mongolian consonant s is changed h in intervowel position in Yakut. symd&#257;hyn < Mo. sindasu χaha < Mo. qa&#353;iya @@&#252;h&#252;n < Mo. @@is&#252;n baitahyn < Mo. baitasun

I. 들머리

II. 연구 사략 및 연구 내용

III. 어휘

IV. 마무리
