This study aims to understand the semantic characteristics as well as the grammatical characteristics of conjunction(холбоос, холбоос үг, холбох үг conjunction) shown in some modern Mongolian grammar books. In particular, this study regarded some coordinating conjunctions(‘ба’, ‘бөгөөд’/‘болоод’, ‘агаад’, ‘хийгээд’/, ‘болон’, ‘буюу’/‘юм уу’/, ‘эсвэл’/ ‘эсхүл’/, ‘харин’, ‘гэвч’, ‘байтугай’, ‘барахгүй’/‘үл барам’/) as standard elements and attempted to compare the conjunctions in modern Mongolian language vs. Korean language. At the same time, this study identified ‘the things in common’ and ‘individuality’ between conjunctions shown in both countries. Based on these characteristics, this study aimed to provide the things to be considered in utilizing conjunctions for the learners who wanted to acquire both Mongolian and Korean languages. The traditional Mongolian grammar system sets the part-of-speech system regarding conjunctions including coordinating conjunction and subordinating conjunction as the independent category. However, conjunctions in Korean language are regarded as sub-category of adverbs because conjunctions are not acknowledged for having an independent categorical value. In Korean language, the applicable sub-category items can be classified into 접속부사(conjunctive adverb), 접속어(conjunctive), 연결어 (connective word), 이음씨(conjunctive), 이음어찌씨(conjunctive adverb), etc. Moreover, most of Korean language use the sentence connecting conjunction that connects sentence with sentence except the lexical connection conjunctions such as ‘및(and)’, ‘또는(or)’, ‘곧(in other words)’ and thus show a partial difference in the characteristics from some elements in modern Mongolian coordinating conjunctions which are an object of contrast in this study. In other words, some coordinating conjunctions in Mongolian language have a major function of ‘component connecting conjunction’ that connects word, phrase, and clause within a sentence, whereas most of conjunctions in Korean language have a major function of ‘sentence connecting conjunction’ that connects sentence with sentence. Therefore, most conjunctions in Korean language can be considered to be corresponding to sentence connecting conjunctions shown in most Mongolian conjunctions, but the lexical connection functions of these conjunctions cannot be neglected. Despite the presence of difference in terms, the boundary between lexical connection conjunction and sentence connecting conjunction is not so clear and thus this study attempted a mutual contrast of the conjunctions by focusing on the targeted lexical elements only. It’s natural that one vocabulary performs various functions or contain various meanings for linguistic-universality reasons. The conjunctions in both countries do not have one meaning or perform one function only. Conjunction is used to connect components depending on the relationship in a context or between surrounding environments or sometimes used as a tool to connect sentences. This is why it is not easy to make a clear distinction of these conjunctions or correspond these. The absolute thing is to select conjunction appropriately based on the meaning presented within a sentence.
I. 서론
II. 현대몽골어의 접속사
III. 현대몽골어 등위접속사와 한국어 접속사 대조