Монгол угсаатны аман зохиол, зан үйлд хүүхэд хамгаалах, эмчлэх ардын аргууд тусгагдсан нь; Монгол Бүүвэйн дуу
Child prevention and treatment methods of Mongolian folk medicine in Mongolian folklore and rituals: Mongolian lullaby
The paper is about lullaby among Mongols. The gentle song sung to the children before they go sleep, with the intention of aiding the process is a lullaby. Khalkha Mongols call that song sung to the children in order to calm down and fall asleep as “Бүүвэйн дуу” (“Buu’vein duu”), “Өлгийн дуу” (“O’lgiin duu”), “Хүүхэд нойрсуулах дуу” (“Huu’hed noirsuulah duu”); Inner Mongols call “Бүүвэйн дуу” (“Buu’vein duu”); Buriyat Mongols call “Үлгын дуун” (“U’lgiin duun), Khalmik Mongols call “Саалулгна дун” (“Saaluulgna dun”). The paper starts with how Mongolian and foreign scholars studied the lullaby (Buu’vein duu), especially about how the scholars explained the meaning of the word “Buu’vei”. Some explanations say that the word Buu’ ai (don’t be afraid) turned to Buu’vei or in member of Buu’vei hero people wishing the child to become like him named the song after Buu’vei hero as Buu’vei. The writer explains that the lullaby has the function of charming spell. The conclusion is that lullaby originated with the intention to protect the children from the harmful spirits. The paper introduces the versions of different lullabies giving the overview of Mongolian lullaby to foreign scholars. The interesting conclusion comes from the introduction of all lullaby related legends motives. He made some comparison among lullaby lyrics and song legends of буриад (Buriayt), халх (Khalkh), дарьганга (Dariganga), захчин (Zakhchin), мянгад (Myangad), баяд (Bayad), Хөх нуурын монголчууд (Ho’h nuur Mongols). Also the writer introduces the specialties, motives, roles of ten songs with rabbit and some animal characters. In the end he makes the conclusion and proposes that characters in lullaby lyric’s, motives, roles, specialties came from the charming spell. The lullaby song contains in itself the motive of Mongol legend the most. In the long run the lullaby song acquired other function like introducing to the children their ancestors than just make child fall asleep. The lullaby song lyrics sometimes inform some historic moments of Mongolian history and it is in the high rank among the Mongolian song genre. The paper goes through the study of how different lullabies spread among different ethnic groups and made the conclusion about the motive and legend study relations.
1. Оршил
2. Монгол угсаатны Бүүвэйн дууг судалсан товч тойм
3. Монгол Бүүвэйн дууны онцлог
4. Бүүвэйн дуу дом шившлэгтэй холбогдох нь
5. Монгол угсаатанд тархсан бүүвэйн дуунууд
6. Туулайн дүр өгүүлэмжит бүүвэйн дуу
7. Монгол угсаатны Бүүвэйн дууны өгүүлэмж
8. Дүгнэлт