최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Манжийн үеийн хэргэм зэргийн тогтолцооны тухайд

Hereditary rank system in the Manchu rule

This paper is about the aristocratic order and rank system of the Manchus. Under Qing dynasty, Mongol nobles were awarded Manchu titles (hergen). Through the advantages of titles (jergi), they received many special privileges. Many scholarly literatures in Mongolian did acknowledge and discuss about aristocratic titles, but, these works are mostly discussing and informing Mongol nobles, but limited in terms of comparing to Aisin gioro (imperial lineage), Manchu and Hanjun (Chinese). Therefore, the paper argues that hergen jergi was not only a certification for inviting Mongols into imperial audience but also was a policy for placing them within the dynasty. The main focus is on two features of the ranking system namely integration and segregation. Comparing historical contexts of incorporating different groups mentioned above, one can see that the Manchu rulers successfully converted their subjects into conquest elite. As a member of the ruling class they had to perform services against their compatriots for the Qing. For instance, Sanjaidorji, general of the Tüsiyetü qan aimak played a major role in the suppression of the 1756 rebellion of Chingunjav. In such cases, it might be said that ethnic identity was ignored by aristocratic identity. However, the court had a full consciousness of danger of powerful and united elites. Within the scope of decomposing policy, hierarchical structure of the system and its privileges such as amount of annual stipends, eight privileges so called bafen (八分, related to wearing and utensil), marriage regulation, education, hereditary transmission of ranks and balance of rank holders are taken into account in order to show distinction between Aisin gioro, Manchu, Mongol and Hanjun nobles. Consequently, one can observe that the Mongols, in contrast to Hanjun, had intimate ties to Aisin gioro lineage and received almost equal treatment from the court as Manchu nobles. To conclude, the court supported and encouraged nobles when they were powerless and poor and if they achieve more power threatening the imperial rule then the imperial power restricts them using the rank system. To accomplish it, the well-developed rank system played in an important role as a well-thought-out political facility. The Manchu emperors never saw themselves free to demolish the conquest elite or cast it aside.

1. Дайчин гүрний ихэс дээдэс

2. Нэгтгэл

3. Задлал

4. Дүгнэлт

5. Нэр томьёоны хэлхээ
