최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

몽골 샤머니즘 속의 여성민속 고찰

The Research of Women’s Folklore inside Mongolian Shamanism

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Mongolian shamanism can be regarded as one of the most distinctive characteristics of Mongolian nomadic culture. In Mongolian shamanism, there is a clear division of male shaman(zairan) and female shaman (udgan). This terminological difference in referring to shamans by gender is also visible in Korean shamanism. For example, in Korea, male shaman is called baksu whereas female shaman is called mudang. In particular, udgan(the term for female shaman) is closely linked to a female god of earth in Mongolian nomadic culture. Also, there are plenty of cultural elements of women in Mongolian folk religion such as mother tree, mother rock, etc. Hence, in this article, I look into women s folklore inside Mongolian shamanism from the viewpoint of folk belief, folktales, shaman songs, literature and shamanic rituals. For further research in the future, historical written documents also can be analysed in relation to women’s folklore and Mongolian shamanism. Some of this research could be e.g. the relationship between female names(Go’a and Beki) and female shamans inside the Secret History of the Mongols.

1. 머리말

2. 몽골인들의 믿음세계와 샤머니즘 그리고 여성

3. 설화와 무가(巫歌) 속에 투영된 샤머니즘과 여성

4. 문학작품 속에 내재된 샤머니즘과 여성

5. 샤먼 의례 속에 내재된 여성

6. 맺음말
