In this small article the author analyses the verbal means of expressing laughter in the Mongolian language. In Mongolian laughter is expressed by both verbal and non-verbal means, which are mutually associated with each other. Since a detailed study has already been undertaken by the Mongolist G.Ts.Pyurbeev on the non-verbal means of laughter in Mongolian, in the present study we have attempted to define the verbal means of expressing laughter in Mongolian and have reached the following conclusions: -A most popular verbal means of expressing laughter in Mongolian is through the use of verbs which express the action of laughter. -The analytic contractions, “үйл үг + инээх”, “тэмдэг нэр + инээх”, “чимэх үг + инээх”, “нэр үг + тай3 + инээх”, “нэр үг + гүй + инээх”, “нэр үг + аар4 /-д, -т + инээх” are widely used to express laughter in Mongolian. - When used in conjunction with non-verbal means, the verbal means of expressing laughter can elucidate in detail on the internal and external psychological state of the person laughing and their interlocutor.
1. Оршил
2. Инээх үйлдлийг үйл үгээр илэрхийлэх нь
3. Инээх үйлдлийг авиа дуурайх үг, дүрс дуурайх үг, чимэх үгээр илэрхийлэх нь
4. Дүгнэлт