최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널



The author has analyzed all of the viewpoints developed by researchers on Mongolian phraseologism. Also he has tried to determine Mongolian phraseologism. In his opinion, the Mongolian phraseologism is a group of the collocations with connotational (additional) meaning. These kind of connotational meaning develop in ways of the circumlocution (figurative), arising the emotional and imagery meaning etc., The author in this article has clarified some specific characters, typologies and classification of the Mongolian phraseologism. For example: алга дарам газар (small land), lit-ly.алга(palm),дарам (to put),газар (land); ам алгадах (to quarrel or to have an opposite opinion), lit-ly.ам (mouth),алгадах (to pat); ам уралдуулах(to talk competitively), lit-ly. ам(mouth), уралдуулах(to race, racing);бах нь ханах (sarcasm or malevolence), lit-ly. бах нь (his pride, conscience), ханах (to loud, to rejoice); буу халах (to chat), lit-ly. буу (gun), халах (to warm);зүрх үхэх(to fear), lit-ly. зүрх (heart), үхэх(to death); гууль нь цухуйх0(throw someone to the lions), lit-ly.гууль нь (its copper), цухуйх(to exit);нүд үзүүрлэх(dislike and reject), lit-ly. нүд (eyes), үзүүрлэх(to see on the edge); нүд нь орой дээрээ гарах(suffer a shock),lit-ly.нүд нь(his / hir eyes),орой дээрээ(upwards),гарах(get up);өр алдсан хятад шиг (blah or despondence), lit-ly. өр (dept, loan),алдсан(lost),хятад шиг (like Chinese); суусан газраасаа шороо атгах(to gain, to benefit), lit-ly. суусан (attended), газраасаа (his / hers land),атгах (to fist, to take); том толгой гаргах(be on one s high horse), lit-ly.том (big), толгой(head), гаргах(to exclude, to display) etc;The author follows a principle to classify Mongolian phraseologism based on its meaningful expression or symbol and phraseologism can be divided into idioms and phrases. For the structure the Mongolian phraseologism is divided into two groups such as short (unextended)and long (expanded). Mongolian idioms are divided into full idioms, semi-full idioms and weak idiomsin the frame of semantic typology (compound) like as a phrases(phraseology). Full idiom meaning is not connected with a meaning of the component words. For example:магнай хагарах(to rejoice), lit-ly.магнай (forehead), хагарах(to break), даагаа нэхэх(to repeat); li-ly.даагаа(a colt), нэхэх (to seek / take)etc; The meaning of the semi-full idiom of the Mongolian language is not connected with a meaning of the component words, but it is connected with them in logical connection. For example: дэр нэгтгэх(to marriage). lit-ly. дэр (pillow), нэгтгэх (to connect, to put together) etc;In other words the meaning that marrying couples live together is represented by word “pillow”. A weak idiom meaning is connected with the meaning of the some component words. For example: хурган дарга (small head, small leader).lit-ly.хурга (lamb), дарга (head, leader);Here small position of work is contrasted with the small lamb. Main difference between Mongolian idiom and phrase (phraseology) is their meaning expression, structure, structural changes (components), figurative meaning and their translation into foreign languages etc., For example:1. Idiom expresses meaning like as one word, while phrase preserve their components’ (words’) meaning. For example: Idioms:ном хаялцах (to discuss, to debate), lit-ly.ном(book), хаялцах(to through). Phrase: “сайн хүн санаагаараа (туслах)”(helpful, ambitious), lit-ly.сайн хү

1. Introduction

2. Economic Diversification, SME Competitiveness and the Role of FDI

3. Business Linkages and Linkage Program

4. Establishing the National-level Linkage Program in Mongolia: A Comprehensive Approach

5. Incorporating the Linkage Program into Ongoing and Upcoming SME Development Projects: A Partial Approach

6. Conclusion

