최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

북방 샤마니즘의 역사적 특징

A Study on Historical Character of Northern Shamanism

  • 14

When looking into the history and customs of northern peoples, specially distinguishing features can be found from their ideologies and institutional systems as not found from other civilizations . The features are cognitive system of national law (i. e. shamanism), political power distribution through direct participation (harvest rituals), and philosophical emphasis on trade in economy. This article examines historical characteristics of northern shamanism through classifying them as follows: Shamanism of Hun-na Empire, Shamanism of Ukhan and Senbi Empire, Shamanism of Jou-Jan Empire, Shamanism of Türk and Uigur Empire, Shamanism of Kitan Empire, Shamanism of Jürchen Empire, and Shamanism of Yeke Monggol Ulus.

1. 머리말

2. 고대 북방민족의 샤마니즘 개론

3. 역대 유목제국의 샤마니즘과 그 특징

4. 맺는 말
