최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

현대 몽골어 후치사의 문법화에 대한 연구

A study of the grammaticalization of postpositions in modern Mongolian

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Postposition is proven to be largely used as function word because its functional role is highlighted rather than lexical meaning going through the decategorization process depending on grammaticalization of lexemes that have separate lexical meanings. At the same time, such a premise means that postposition is unclear, but has separate meanings. This study discusses that such a categorical modification of postposition in modern Mongolian language can be explained in the following procedure. If concluding that there exists an one-way modification process and postposition that largely plays a grammatical function is three-dimensional category of grammar, it is considered that postposition originated from the one- and two-dimensional category of grammar such as noun, verb, adjective, and adverb and underwent synchronic modification of conjunction, pronoun, auxiliary verb, and demonstrative within the same category of grammar. At the same time, this study discusses the possibility of acknowledgement and understanding of disturbance in part of speech from the perspective of grammaticalization of postposition through the continuous variation system grammaticality presented by Hopper & Traugott(2003: 7) in Muriel Norde(2013: 17). This study also considered that the difference in the semantic transparency among postpositions is attributable to the fact that either lexeme or function word is highlighted depending on the progression of grammaticalization. At the same time, this study considered that the objects of being postpositions in Mongolian language depends on researcher s opinion or judgment and quantitative numerical value can be changed frequently due to the floating nature of grammaticalization. One-form-and-one-function principle is considered as an inappropriate theory from the perspective of grammaticalization and is quite different from reality in that the meanings of vocabulary are presented in polysemic words through the meaning chain of grammaticalization of lexical meanings or conversely that allomorphic elements perform similar meanings and functions.

1. 서론

2. 후치사의 문법화

3. 범주의 유동성

4. 1형태․1기능 원칙의 적용

5. 결론
