최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Гэсэр эхийгээ тамаас гаргасан бΥлгийн: Υйл явдал хйнгээд Υзэл санааг мθшгθн шинжих нь

We made some conclusions as result of comparing analyze of the Gesar`s taking the mother from purgatory , one chapter of the written and oral versions of Gesar epic. Firstly, the motive of this chapter includes subject about purgatory and judge of dead or Buddha`s and other God`s mystical and spiritual countries and their creative magic activities, myths and epics inherited from ancient written texts, particularly traditional Buddhist literature by similar methods on structural composition and epical hyperbola with other monuments on which genre. Secondly, the Gesar epic shows the livelihood of humankind Zambudvipa / Rose-apple Buddhist continent /, there where Gesar is main hero and the Novel about Green Tara shows the purgatory and judge of dead, there where Buddha and Bodhisattva are main heroes, both are true civil Buddhist literature creations by metaphorical and common people philosophical thought on perverting of Buddhist basic view of point. Thirdly, we observed that view of chapter on Gesar`s taking the mother from purgatory of the Gesar epic is appeared on some specifics in the many written and oral versions. For instance, this chapter includes some elements of deviating to Buddhist religious teaching, or in sometime was a true civil literature with little religious membrane facing, or in sometime was a civilized literature as result of disagreed with religious ideas, in sometime was a reflection authors view of point and historical conditions. Particularly, the chapter on Taking the mother from purgatory by Gesar is basically reflected the Buddhist teaching`s idea.
