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KCI등재 학술저널

Монгол бθθгийн аман яруу найрагийн: тθрθл зΥйлийг ангилах асуудалд

In this article, the folklorist, professor of Department of Literature. Mongolian State University of Education R.Chultemsuren wrote about the poetry of Mongolian shamanism. At first, he briefly introduced how Mongolian and foreign scholars studied Mongolian shamanism and what kind of works, books were made by them. Mongolian shamanism was studied deeply especially by the scholars Dorj Banzrov and B.Rinchen (B.Rintchen, Folklore Mongol (Wiesbaden, 1960, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1972). Les materiaux pour I`etude du chamanisme mongol, Asiatische Forschungen, Wiesbaden, 1959, 1961, 1975). These books are about Mongolian shamanism study which include many collected texts on poetry of shamanism. Here, also written about how the poetry of shamanism was studied by the scholars. First, it was studied by Mongolian famous scholar Ts. Damdinsuren. He wrote the poetry of shamanism Also, the article informs about research works made by the other scholars. Mongolian scholar B.Sodnom(1908-1979). Russian scholar G.I.Mihailov(1968) made researches of the shamanic poetry. Inner Mongolian scholar Sainjargal, Sharalldai wrote Ordus-un tayilag-a, takilag-a, irugel, magtagal (1991), L.Hurtsbagatur Hatagin arban gurban Atag-a tegri-yin taiyilag-a (1992), Hurelshaa, Bai Jui Ing, Nachin, Buyanchugla Horchin boge murgul-un sudulul (1998), D.Bum-Ochir, Mongol Shamanic ritual. French scholar Mary-Domenic and other foreign scholars also studied shaman poetry. Usually, most of the scholars study the shamanism from the historic and ethnographic point of view. Besides, Ts.Damdinsuren the poetry of shanmanism was studied deeper by L.Tudev, D.Bum-Ochir, G.Gantogtoh, Inner Mongolian scholar Buyanhishig, Tugsbayar, Mandah, Ochi. They classified the poetry of shamanism into genres. R.Chultemsuren made an innovative thing reclassifying genres of shamanic poetry after unifying all them. He classified Mongolian shamanist poetry into these genres: 1. The Poem of Dom-magic medicine, folk-medicine. 2. The Poem of Satsal (Tsatsal, satsuli)-A ritual sprinkling of milk. (To sprinkle milk in ritual fashion) 3. The poem of Myalaalga (miliyalag-a)-Anointing, blessing (of a new tent, etc.) 4. Boge-yin dagudalg-Evocation of deity (by a shaman) the poem during this ritual 5. The poem of Tailaga (tayilag-a)-Offering, sacrifice, worship 6. The poem of Dallaga (dalalag-a)-A ritual for invoking good fortune. Bird dalalaga-A ritual performed at the time for migratory birds to return in spring and designed to ensure fruitfulness in the herds 7. The poem of Daatgal (dagadahal)-Prayer offered with a view to obtaining benefits, prays of recommendation to a god. 8. O`chigiin shuleg (o`chil-un silug)-testimony 9. Tugeeliin shuleg (tugegel-yin silug)-The poem read during the ritual of spreading the foods used during the ritual of Tailaga, etc to the comers. 10. Ongodiin magtaal-Shamanist utterance. 11. Kharaaliin shuleg-The poem of cursing 12. Zuhliin shuleg-malediction 13. The poem of Shiregeleg, Shirgeleh-the ritual performed when children scared from something, burning the salt, turning round the water, etc 14. Legends of shaman R. Chultemsuren gave the examples on each genre of the shamanic poetry, showing their specialties, the main characters, and rituals. The author said that it needs to be studies more in the future.
