Mongolian famous scholar, folklorist, academician, doctor (Sc.d) professor H.Sampildendev died in 2007 year. He used to work as a director of Academy of Sciences of Mongolia. Institute of Language and Literature. The publishing article named The legend of Great Genghis Khan is the last work of the academician H.Sampildendev. Our scientific magazine publishes it first. In the article there is about a legend of Mongolian origin Ergune Kun where said that Mongolians smelted the iron. There is a mountain named Dush in Bayandelger sum, Tuv province, Mongolia, Dush means an anvil. There is another legend that on that huge stone anvil Genghis Khan smelted the iron. The mountains named Dush , Shireet (table) are located in Solon Barga. There are many other legends related with Genghis Khan. Also there are many literal legends on life-story of Genghis Khan: The Secret History of the Mongols , Erdeniin Erkhi , Erdeniin tobchi. The oral legends The way of Genghis (Genghisiin zam) and Khermen zam are related with those literal legends, The Tale of the Two Dapple - Greys is a famous literal poem. The folk song Zeergentiin shil , the legend Zagal Buural of Mandah sum. Dornogobi province have close relation with the poem wrote H. Sampildendev. The author also wrote about oral legends related with the poem How an Orphan Boy Argued with the Nine Champions of Genghis Khan Among Mongolians there are hundreds of oral and literal legends related with the life - story of Genghis Khan, Legends of mountains and rivers are especially related with the Genghis Khan`s life story and his role. H.Sampildendev wrote Human life is changeable, even big cities and stone monuments disappear from the face of the land but Mongolians found a great idea to remember forever the name of the Great Khan naming their motherland after him.