In this article we have picked out the names of historical figures which are among the collection of 2 million 300 thousand names and have looked upon its evolution through time. When and whose name is given to infant is depends on several circumstances such a social psychology, individual’s attitude and political policy of that time. It makes requirements to study these names are not only from linguistic point of view but also broad basis in society and politics. This article presents that one name is selected with different position on each time. In fund of mongol people’s names, it has been proven that approximately one historical figure’s name is found among 200 names. If we look at the frequency dynamics of names in the years when Mongolia was heading towards socialism we can see that in those times the names of Mongolian and Soviet leaders, political, social and cultural figures have been used most often. Mongolians giving names for their infants such as state heroes or labour hero’s names who struggled for their country’s independence and authority power. That is keep the symbolic meaning such as wishing their to crown somebody with immortality of glory, fame, patriot and soldier become famous people as their names. However, since the ‘90s, when Mongolia chose the brighter road to democracy there has been a certain interest in the names of kings, queens and warriors of the Great Mongolian State and the fighter for the national independence struggler. These statics are shown in numbers.