최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

达纳楚克道尔基的 ≪三座山≫ 与京剧≪三座山≫ 的比较研究

Comparative Study on Uchir-tai Gurvan Tolgoi by D.Natsagdorj and Beijing Opera The Three Hill

The Mongolian opera Uchir-tai Gurvan Tolgoi (means the three hill) is one of the most famous works written by D.Natsagdorj(1906-1937), the founder of Modern literature of Mongolia. The story of original Uchir-tai Gurvan Tolgoi, a four-acts opera finished in 1934 by D.Natsagdorji is not so intricate,the main characters are Yunden (M), Nansalmaa (F), Balgan(M) and Khorolmaa(F). In first act, Yunden and Nansalmaa determined to get married and Yunden went for Khuree to buy goods. Unfortunately, Nansalmaa encountered noble Balgan, and was taken to his home to marry him violently. In second act, Nansalmaa expects Yunden day and night to come and rescue her. Yunden finally arrived and met Nansalmaa, but was beaten by Balgan and get injured. Khorolmaa took Yunden back her home to took care of and asked Yunden to marry her. Yunden didn’t agree. In act three, Nansalmaa escaped out and met Yunden when Balgan compled her to marry him. Khorolmaa colluded with Balgan to hit Yunden and took away Nansalmaa again. On the contrary, Khorolmaa became the “benefactor” who saved Balgan. And in act four, Nansalmaa came to see Yunden by fleeing. Balgan and his companion killed Yunden. Nansanlmaa sacrificed herself in sadness. After the passing away of D.Natsagdorji, Ts.Damdinsuren rewrote the Uchir-tai Gurvan Tolgoi in 1943, and changed the tragedy into comedy. The opera ends with the success of Yunden and Nansalmaa fight against the governors. Along with the development of cultural relation between China and Mongolia, in June 1956 was played Beijing Opera The Three Hill, reform of Uchir-tai Gurvan Tolgoi done by famous playwriter Junhong Fan (1916-1986) in Beijing, China. This is a very good example of acceptance of Chinese people towards D.Natsagdorji and his opera Uchir-tai Gurvan Tolgoi, and it has significant academic value in the study of writer D.Natsagdorji and spread of his works in abroad.

The Process of Reforming and Playing Beijing Opera The Three Hill

Misunderstood Translation Caused the Changes of Story

Beijing Opera and China’s misunderstanding about D.Natsagdorj

