최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

한국과 몽골간의 자원개발 협력

Resource Development Cooperation between Korea and Mongolia

  • 7

The interest of this paper related to the global resources situations, resources environments and in Mongolia and resources cooperation between Mongolia and Korea. The high price of energy and resources is leading to new high price era, and accelerating global competition. The role of meantime mining section was not importantly in Mongolian economy. Now with the rise of resources price the importance of mining part is coming to be important. The share of mineral sector rises from 27.4% of GDP to 36.3% in 2007. Currently major mines in Mongol are Oyu Tolgoi copper and gold mine, two coal mines such as Tavan Tolgoi and Baganuur. Meantime, the demand for energy present condition of Korea records higher consumption level and import dependence. In 2006 the degree of energy dependence on foreign market is 96.8%, and about 82.2% of them imported from Middle East market, and the share of energy to total import is 27.7% on Korea. The overseas resource development objects of Korea are to increase energy independent ratio from 3.2% (2006) with 28% (2016), and to raise the ratio of 6-major natural resources from 16.6%(2006) with 38% (2016). Also Korean government initiates the package deal strategy which links Korea’s economic development experience sharing program and infrastructure construction for the resource rich developing countries with stable supply and development of energy/resource to Korea. Consequently this package deal type is desirable for the resources development cooperation between Korea and Mongolia. However, there are lots of disadvantages for the progress of development cooperation such as the weak and insufficient infrastructure facilities, unstable geo-political situation for landlocked state, and different business behavior between socialist developing Mongolia and market oriented Korea.

1. 국제적 에너지·자원난

2. 몽골의 광업과 자원현황

3. 몽골광업의 대외개방

4. 한국의 자원환경

5. 한·몽 자원협력
