최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

세계음악 <아리랑>을 통한 몽골과의 교유(交遊)

Interchange with Mongolia through World Music Arirang

  • 8

<Arirang> reminds foreigners of Korea and Korean people. That is a symbol of Korea and the Korean race, but that is not the case for <Arirang> in Mongolia. The purpose of this study was to discuss interchange between Korea and Mongolia in the 20th century through <Arirang>. The two nations are not the same race, but it s meant in this study to look into the past history about mutual exchange and a specific interchange case in the 20th century in an effort to describe the friendly relations between the two through music culture. In the world, <Arirang> is music that is reminiscent of the Korean race. In Mongolia, however, that is a historic symbol that shows the two countries have been one from ancient times. Therefore there is a clear distinction between the existential value of <Arirang> in the world and that in Mongolia.

1. 서론

2. 세계음악 <아리랑>

3. 최근 외국인이 부른 <아리랑>

4. 과거 한국과 몽골의 교유

5. 몽골의 <아리랑>

6. 결론
