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KCI등재 학술저널

현대몽골어와 한국어의 접속문 비교연구

A Comparative study on conjoined sentence between modern Mongolian and Korean

  • 22

We looked over similarity and difference of morphology, syntax, semantical special quality in conjoined sentence of two countries language through studying conjoined sentence of modern Mongolian and Korean comparatively, contrastingly. Korean has very various connective suffixes used in conjoined sentence constructions. They are generally used as follows , ‘-go’, ‘-(eu)myeo’, ‘-(eu)myeonseo’, ... with meaning of simultaneous relation, ‘-(eu)na’, ‘-jiman’, ... with meaning of contrast/conflicting with each other, ‘-geona’, ‘-deunji’, ... meaning of selection by coordinate connective suffixes. Also used in ‘-go’, ‘-(eu)myeo’, ‘-(eu)myeonseo’, ‘-daga’, ... with meaning of same time according to time relation, ‘-go’, ‘-a/eo’, ‘-(-a/eo)seo’, ‘-ja(-jamaja)’, ... with meaning of one after the other(succeeding), ‘-a/eo’, ‘-(a/eo)seo’, ‘-(eu)meuro’, ‘-neurago’, ... with meaning of cause, ‘-(a/eo)do’, ‘-deorado’, ‘-(eu)ljirado’, ... with meaning of concession, ‘-(eu)reo’, ‘-goja’, ‘-(eu)ryeogo’, ... with meaning of purpose/intention, ‘-(eu)myeon’, ‘-geodeun’, ‘-(a/eo)ya’, ‘-deondeul’, ... with meaning of condition, ‘-daga’, ... with meaning of conversion by subordinate connective suffixes. Connective suffixes of Korean are so complicated and meaningful as well as great number that they are used equivocally in spite of the same connective suffixes. On the other hand modern Mongolian suffixes are used as follows in ‘-ж/ч’ with meaning of simultaneous relation, ‘-аад4’ with meaning of anterior, ‘-н’ with meaning of association, ‘-саар4’ with meaning of progression by coordinate connective suffixes. Also used in ‘-вч’ with meaning of concession, ‘-магц4’ with meaning of immediately succeeding, ‘-тал4’ with meaning of limiting, ‘-хлаар4’ with meaning of logically succeeding, ‘-вал4/-бал4’ with meaning of condition, ‘-нгуут2’ with meaning of one after the other(succeeding), ‘-нгаа4’ with meaning of opportunity, ‘-хаар4’ with meaning of purpose/intention, ‘-лгүй’ with meaning of negation by subordinate connective suffixes. This suffixes can express various meaning as Korean. Mongolian connective suffixes are less than Korean ones in kind and number and can’t express various and detailed meaning like connective suffixes of Korean. Instead they use preceding phrase/clause or escorting phrase/clause and whole context etc. In other words, one connective suffix of modern Mongolian express equivalent to three and four or more than connective suffix of Korean according to before and behind circumstance or various meaning relation of context.

1. 서론

2. 대등접속문

3. 종속접속문

4. 결론
