최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

몽골의 보건의료체계 현황 및 국민보건수준

Mongolian Health Care System and The Health Status of Mongolian People

  • 28

This paper reviews the historical development of Mongolian health care and it s health care systems and looks at the health status of Mongolian people. In addition to it, this one also explores the health care reforms since 1990 when Mongolia introduced market economy. Mongolian health care systems was a centralized and hierarchial system that health care were fully financed and delivered by the government from the 1940s until 1990s. When new market economy introduced after 1990, free health care services with state financing alone were unsustainable and multiple sources of revenue have developed. However, The introduction of social health insurance and the decentralization process since 1990 brought new organizations and policies into health sector creating a more pluralistic environment. However, frequent changes of the government, scarce resources such as chronic under funding of health services as well as lack of coordination seemed to fail to implement both national programs and health care reform process effectively. As to the health status of Mongolian people, there has been continuous improvements in the health indicators in Mongolia since the 1920s although health indicators are still high compared with developed countries. Particularly, considerable progress has been made in reducing vaccine-preventable diseases, the infant mortality rate and the maternal mortality rate through concerted policy efforts. However, cardiovascular diseases, neoplasm and injuries and the poisoning has been currently emerging as the leading main causes of mortality in Mongolia.

I. 서론

II. 몽골의 보건의료 발달과정

III. 몽골의 보건의료체계

IV. 몽골의 국민건강수준

V. 결론
