최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

몽골족 전기(前期) 초원 소설 연구

A Study of Mogolian former grassland novel : Focusing on Malaqinfu & Zhalagahu s works

Mogolian former grassland novel was born in the early 1950s after establishment of Inner Mongolia autonomous region in 1947 and establishment of the People´s Republic of China in 1949. It descirbes natural environment and culture of Inner Mongolia and deals with Mongolian history of struggle against feudalism. Malaqinfu and Zhalagahu are typical writers of former grassland novel who bagan to write novels in their early 20s. Their works contains three themes, they are praise about the new life and the new peoples of the new Mogolian grassland, perfect trust about socialism & Chinese Communist Party, and unity with the Han race. Becaues these three themes have a common denominator, permanent prosperity of Mongolia , so they are not separated, but strongly interlocked each other. The characters of former grassland novel are very simple and standardized. The differences between good and bad, beauty and ugliness, the old and new are extremely distinct, because the writers of former grassland novel firmly believed that it was important to stamp out outdated notions thoroughly in order to keep the new life. The simplicity of former grassland novels is caused by personal history of writers and their educational level. All of them had participated in a communist revolution in their mid-teens or late teens. They studied to write novels themselves through writing simple stories during their military service period. Besides of these, the features of Mogolian former grassland novel not only reflect writer s view of life, but also explain the literary policy of Chinese Communist Party. Mao Zedong s「Speech in Yan an literature and art symposium」in 1942, Zhou Enlai and Zhou Yang s speeches in the 1st national writers and artists congress in 1949, and in the 2nd in 1953 emphasized that literature must serve politics, wrjters must describe the life of laborers, farmers, and soldiers. Their speeches and literary policies caused a series of struggles, they are Anti-Rightist struggle, Anti-Revisionism struggle, and Anti-Hu Feng struggle etc.. The violent environment of the Chinese political and literary world in 1950s and 1960s made the writers of Mogolian former grassland novels to write formulaic novels what only have one standpoint that was demanded by socialism literary policies.

I. 들어가는 말

II. 전기(前期) 초원 소설의 ‘새로운 몽골’ 세우기와 지키기

III. 전기(前期) 초원소설의 외부적 환경과 작품의 획일성

IV. 맺음말
