The interest of this paper related to the present condition of resources distribution and resources practical using plan and resources cooperation between Mongolia and Korea. The role of meantime mining section was not importantly in Mongolianeconomy. Now with the rise of resources price the importance of mining part is coming to be important. Korean enterprises will promote joint businesses for resource development and power facility establishment in Mongolia. The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy (MOCIE) claimed on Tuesday that Minister Se-gyun Chung, who is accompanying President Roh in his visit to Mongolia, held talks with the Mongolian Minister of Commerce and Industry and the Minister of Fuel and Energy, concluding an agreement to increase bilateral cooperation to utilize the abundant resources of Mongolia and cutting-edge technologies from Korea. Consequently, various MOUs were concluded between firms in the resource and energy sector of Mongolia and Korea. For instance, the Korea Resource Corporation (KORES) and the Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) have each concluded an MOU with Mongolian Ivanhoe Mines to develop copper mines in Oyu Tolgoi and to build an electricity power plant for mines. This is the third time that Korean resource development and power businesses had entered a foreign nation together, followed by India (iron ore development and an iron mill) and Nigeria (oil development and gas power plants). OyuTolgoi is situated in the southern Gobi Desert with copper deposits estimated at of 2.3 billion tons. KORES has been able to secure Mongolian market penetration by participating in the establishment of a copper mine through a strategic cooperative relationship with Ivanhoe Mines while KEPCO has agreed to jointly promote the building a power plant withIvanhoe to supply electricity to the mines, a project worth $300 million. Also Korean government initiates the package deal strategy which links Korea`s economic development experience sharing program and infrastructure construction for the resource rich developing countries with stable supply and development of energy/resource to Korea.
Ⅰ. 몽골 경제의 특징
Ⅱ. 몽골의 자원개발 및 외국의 참여 현황
Ⅲ. 한몽 자원개발 및 경제 협력방안
Ⅳ. 맺는말