The document of Mongolian, Chinese and Japanese is used in this paper, and the inscription of Chinese and Mongolian is used, too. The subject of this Paper is the “Mongolian Golden Buddhist Canon” (in Mongolian known as Mongol Altan Ganjuur ) of Mongolian Ligden Khan (reigned 1604-1634, in Chinese known as林丹汗). The next opinion is shown in this paper: (1) the transcription of the “Mongolian Golden Buddhist Canon” is the original text of the Mongol Ganjuur of Beijing wood engraving. Therefore, this research has important scientific meaning. (2) the “Mongolian Golden Buddhist Canon” was made in the final at the end of the twenty s of the 17th century. That place is Hohhot of present Inner Mongolia. (3) After 1634, the “Mongolian Golden Buddhist Canon” became the thing of the Qing dynasty ruler. Then, it was respected in the Shisheng temple(实胜寺) of Shenyang (沈阳). A Japanese man surveyed the Shisheng temple in 1905. the “Mongolian Golden Buddhist Canon” was there in that year. (4) the “Mongolian Golden Buddhist Canon” has already been carried to Tokyo in August, 1906. Then, it was destroyed by fire in 1923 with the Japanese Great Earthquake of 1923. But, it doesn t know the number of volumes of the “Mongolian Golden Buddhist Canon” taken to Tokyo. (5) A Mongolian man brought back the Buddhist scripture of 19 volumes from the Shisheng temple of Shenyang in 1959. That is a part of the “Mongolian Golden Buddhist Canon” of Ligden Khan. That is kept in the library of Inner Mongolia academy of social sciences at present. The first volume of color picture e (the picture which a writer took) was attached to this paper.