1. The reason to spell Kultigin The name of Tölis shad (716-731), the youngest son of Iltirish Kutlug and military commander of Turkic II Monarchy, has been registered differently like Kuli-tegin(көли-тегин), Kul tegin (Күл тегин) and Hul tegin (Хүл тегин) in the historical resources. Today there is no ‘right orthography for this name’ that the researchers of the Turkic studies could agree. Vowels ө(ö) and ү (ü) are written u and о(o) and у(u) are written o in the Runic monuments. There have been arisen the argument that how to write it correctly. To give the correct answer, we have to check the meaning of ‘kül’ and ‘köl’. We have concluded the following suggestions. First, there is no proof that kül derived from ‘root’ kü (means fame) and suffix –l, but suffixes like -luq, -lük ( -liq, -lik, -luγ, -lüg, -liγ, -lig) makes this word “külüg” which means ‘famous’. This evidence “Кutlug (Xl+FoK qut+luγ), Yollug(Xl+loI yol+luγ)” can be found in the inscriptions of Bilge khagan and Költigin monuments. Second, kül has direct meaning ‘ash’ in ancient Turkic, it may have not indirect/transitive meaning. So there are a very few names like Kül, Külbek, Külkün, Kül-Аy, Külbatur, Külsultan, Külgül, Külnur occur in the tradition of giving names of ancient Turkic nation. Third, names and titles, which have kül, have not occurred in the written documents and monuments of middle Turkic language and dialect. Fourth, köl (sea, ocean) is usually used in the titles and it occurs in the meaning of ‘famous like sea and ocean’ and ‘deep and great like ocean’. Finally, it is correct to write ‘Көл’ or ‘Көлтигин’ and it is proved by the written documents and monuments of ancient and middle Turkic language and dialect. 2. Is it correct to write ‘Tegin’? “Tigin” is one of the names and titles which commonly takes place in the history and monuments of ancient Turkic nation. It has written “tegin” in Cyrillic in books and resources in Mongolia. We have studied this title1 previously. Here, we studied that ‘is it correct to write“tegin” and how to write it correctly based on the historical resources, MGit(tign), MGt(tgn)- тигин can be found in the inscriptions of Bilge khagan and Költigin monuments. On the other hand, t-t, i-i, G-g, N-n or “t i g n” or consonants t-t, Gg, N-n or “t g n” can be usually found in the sources of Runic inscriptions. But it occurs “tigin (ティギン) (王子 Prinz)”, “tigit, tigid, tägid (王子たち Prinzen)” 2 in monuments and resources written by Uighur. It is written “ ُتِ@@ tėgit” - ْتِك@@ آاُا öke tägit in the dictionary of “Divanü Lûgat-it Türk” which means ‘the youngest of sons of khagan’ 3. The title tigin (tigin, prens, 4068, 4642), tigit (tiginler, prensler,1868) 4 is registered in “Qutadγu Bilig” written by Yusuf Has Hâcib in 1069-1070. Analyzing from the above mentioned resources, it is clear that singular and plural have been written separately. Alternatively, tigin is singular but tigit, tigid, tägid are plural. “otcigin” occurs twenty times and “otcikin” 5 occurs three times in the Secret History of the Mongols. It is one word that “tigin”, “čigin” has phonetic alternation“t-č”. It is appropriate to write ‘tigin’ not ‘tegin’ based on the resources. 3. Uighur(Уйгур) or Uighar(Уйгар)? Uighur nation established its governance in the Central Asia during the period of 744(745)- 840 and the name of Uighur is commonly written like ‘Uighar’. The name of ‘Uighur’ has written with four letters o(W), I (Y), X(G), r (R) in the Runic inscriptions of Turkic period. The word ‘Uighur(Уйгур)’ occurs in the m
0. Оршил
1. Көлтигин гэж бичихийн учир
2. Тегин гэж бичих нь зөвүү?
3. Уйгур, эсвэл уйгар уу?