최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

한국 무속식 고찰

A Study of Shamanic Godin Korea

  • 10

deities shown in Korean shamanic paintings. While the number of sharmanic deities because each shaman in each region may call the same god by a different name. Thus, the number of deities by different names totals 292, which is a higher total than previous research has shown. The religious system and structure of Korean shamanism is based on the belief of many and various deities. Each deity has its own unique function and duty which does not over lap with that of another. Thus, each deity is limited, i.e. not functions and duties of Korean shamanism addresses the life of the present, not the future although shamanism superficially seems to address the future. It is not concered with after life.

1. 들어가는 말

2. 무신도에 관한 개관

3. 무속신의 종류·형태·기능
