최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

내몽고 (內蒙古) 호륜패이맹 (呼倫貝爾盟) 진파이호기 (陳巴爾虎旗) 에 대한 투자환경분석

An analysis of the investment environment of Chen Barag Banner of Hulun Buir League in Inner Mongolia

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China` s reform and opening policies have not only facilitated the country` s economic growth, but also produced substantial benefit for foreign parhters and made constructive contribution to trade and economic development in Asia and Pacific in particular and across the world in general. The Chinese government will continue and perfect several policies in the foreseeable future: In recent years, China has taken a series of significant reform measures in the fields of fiscal and taxation system, banking, investment, foreign exchange, foreign trade, etc. Early 1994, China published the Outline of State Industrial Policies for the 1990s. Early last year, China issued the Provisional Regulations on Direction Guide to Foreign Investment and the Catalogue Guiding Foreign Investment in China. The Chinese government will grant financing, legislative and administrative support to the development of these industries. Foreign investments are also encouraged in these fields. According to a recently proposed plan, China quadrupled the GDP of 1980 by the end of 1995 and do it on a per capita basis by the end of this century. China is also planning to double the GDP in 2000 by the year 2010. According to the needs and potential of modern construction, in the year 2000 total import and export volume will reach or surpass USD $400 billion, with each surpassing USD $200 billion, the business of investment, labor service technical exchange and cooperation will be developed rapidly, too. This paper not only included the newly expanded industries open to foreign investment, but also listed each kind of projects to be encouraged in Chin Ki which is located in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. $quot;Foreign investment$quot; means every kind of tangible and intangible property which is invested in Chin Ki by a foreign investor for the purpose of establishing a business entity with foreign investment within the territory of Chin Ki or for the purpose of jointly operating with an existing business entity of Chin Ki. It is important to understand the laws and regulations in order to invest in Chin Ki. Besides those made by the central government, you may also need to know some regulations made by the local government. It is necessary to have a good communication with the local government in order to make all the procedures go smoothly. When it comes to investing in Chin Ki, it is advisable to go there in person and learn the situation and environment for investment. Each local government has a special department responsible for utilizing foreign investment. Such a government agency is the right contact for a foreign investor in search of a partner or government approval. If the proposed project is owned all by company (a wholly foreign owned enterprise), it may need more help from a local government.

1. 서론

2. 기업의 대외진출동기와 중국의 외국인 직접투자 유치정책

3. 진파이호기의 지리적 환경

4. 자연 환경 자원

5. 경제, 사회 환경

6. 투자 방향

7. 결론
