최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Uno Harva 의 『샤마니즘 - 알타이계 민족들의 세계상 -』

Die Religiosen Vorstellungen der Altaischen Volker

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There is much disagreement in the literature about the true nature of the particle which has been often treated as an emphatic particle in most of the previous studies. While some argue that it should be defined as an concession particle, others still maintain it to be a connective particle. This paper attempts to provide a consistent account of the true nature of the particle . The findings obtained in this paper are as follows: Firstly, the particle presuppie that the registered or excpected sister rrimbers explicitly or implicitly exist in a given discourse or in the context including the speaker-addressee assumption. The sister members have the same value as the -attadued elenent has. So the meaning of the particle is `equality` or `irrclusiori . Secondly, the particle should be added to interrogative prowords to make indefinite prowords which constitute Negative polarity items licensed by strong negatives. Thirdly, linguistic expressions denoting poles or extreme value in pragmatic scales constitute polarity items with the help of the particle . In this case the meaning of the particle `~` is characterized by concession going down to the least expected bottom line. Fourthly, the particle `c can be attached to some adverbials or adjertivals to intensify only their original meaning, hence an emphtic particle. And we also analysed the meaning of the particle `c after some converbal constructions to be a mere emphatic one. In sum, this paper argues that the primary meaning of the particie `c` of modern Mongolian should be equality or inclusion, not emphasis or concession which was claimed to be by most of the previous studies. and the meaning of concession could arise from the fact of going down to the least expected bottom line in pragn~atic scales. Otherwise the meaning of the particle `c after some adverbials, adjectivals or converbals should be construed as a mere emphatic one.

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