최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

오랑캐 (兀良哈)의 어원과 민속학적 고찰

A Study on Etymology of Oriyangqai and Its Folkloric Consideration

  • 31

The shapes of Uriyarxai in Mongolia are largely called Uriyankhai and Uriyanqan; Uriyanqan is divided into Ikh(big) and Bagha(smali) Uriyanqans. Though it is hard to trace the etymology of Uriyanqai to its origin,, some folklorists and linguists of Mongolia guesses that it has derived from (1) -urankhai; (2) -aria; (3) Uriyankhai, a compound word of two exclamations of -aria and -khai; (4) a division of Usun-tribe; (5) ; and (6) a Buriyat word meaning `native`. In his thesis of $quot;Some Problems on Origin and History of Subject Nation and Tribe of 4 Oirats and Oirat Alliance$quot;(1999, B. Tserel introduced the theories (1), (2) and (3), bue he did not explain the difference of Ikh and Bava Uriyanqans. It seems to me that the Ikh(big) and Bara(small) Uriyanqans of Oriyaai-clan were unite of clan or tribe scattered around diverse areas.

2. 오랑캐의 어원

