The Autonome Province of the Irmer Mongolia was selected for the study to survey . Present study tries to offer a foundation of cooperative study to the researchers on minorities including Korean Minority through the survey on real condition and development of Mongolia, focusing on the area of In 1985, by restoring the national religious policy in full erasure, reconstructing that was an only lamasery reminded, employing 95 monks, and purchasing sow 1,000 Sutras from Chinghai, Tibet or Peking, the Lamaism began to revive in . In, a grand was open annually in June 14th and 15th of the lunar calendar, which was in a prosperous condition due to the Lamaites fmm every nook and comer. During 1990`s, [was more flourished through the interchange with Lamaism of the Outer Mongolia. However, the disappearance of tradition with economical richness and increasingly enlarging gap of wealth implies that is also suffering from like other minority regions.
1. 머리말
2. 신파이호우기의 자연상황
3. 신파이호우기의 약사
4. 신파이호우기의 민족 및 인구상황
5. 신파이호우기의 목축업 및 목민의 경제생활
6. 신파이호우기의 민족교육과 종교신앙
7. 맺음말